The Importance of Hydration: How To Ensure You Are Drinking Enough
What is hydration?
Hydration is something that is important every day no matter how hot or cold the weather is. It is the body’s ability to absorb water, the vital liquid it needs, and is based on how much is available to it. Every part of our body relies on hydration in order to be able to function properly. And staying hydrated throughout the day is actually easier than you may think!
This absorption of water is primarily done through drinking liquids, preferably water. However around 20% of our intake comes from food as well. Factors which will affect hydration, and so how much water we need, include age, climate, and level of physical activity. We also lose water through a range of normal bodily functions such as breathing and urinating, and this needs to be replaced. Additionally, drinks such as coffee actually dehydrate, despite containing water, so should not be considered a source of fluid.
Additionally, some of us are a little guilty of not even drinking enough water throughout the day. And while you might think you don’t need water, your body most definitely does! More often then not, we become dehydrated and sluggish.
Symptoms you’re dehydrated
Dehydration means that your body is in a state of not having enough water for it to function optimally. Often times when we are dehydrated, we think something else is the culprit. And if you are not keeping track of your water intake, than it can be nearly impossible to tell if dehydration is the cause! However there are a few signs to look for if you suspect you might be dehydrated. The following symptoms and signs will become present if you are dehydrated, moreover you can experience either one or all of these symptoms:
Muscle cramps
Rapid pulse
Feeling lethargic
Feeling of “hunger”
Dry skin and chapped lips
One way to know that you are no longer dehydrated, is that the signs of dehydration will disappear rather promptly. However in order to get your body back into its normal state, you have to go through the process of replacing the missing water. The fastest way to rehydrate is to drink more fluids! However you can also hydrate by eating foods that have high amounts of water in them.
Why hydration is important
Water in the body is essential for many important processes to take place. From our blood system carrying essential glucose, oxygen and nutrients to cells, to the kidneys getting rid of waste products we no longer want, fluid in the body is vital to allow these to occur. It also lubricates our joints and eyes, helps our digestive system function and keeps our skin healthy.
With water’s essential role in our bodies, the consequences of not getting enough are understandably wide ranging in both nature and severity. At one end of the scale, not taking in enough water during the day will cause thirst, lethargy, dizziness, and headaches, but prolonged dehydration begins to cause the body to shut down. Heart rate will increase as the body compensates for the lack of liquid in the blood, and fluids will be diverted from vital organs such as the brain and lungs.
Methods of hydration
As mentioned earlier, hydration can be accomplished through a few different ways ranging from fast acting methods to methods that might take a bit for the hydration to kick in. Though each of these hydration methods are vital for optimizing your hydration levels! The following are just a few of the simplest ways to ensure that you are hydrating your body:
Drinking water
Eating ice chips
Drinking liquids like tea, lemonade, and others that contain water
Eat foods like lettuce, celery, tomatoes, watermelon, etc
Additionally, it is important to note that without proper hydration you can become so dehydrated that medical care is needed. So it is imperative to make sure you are giving your body enough water.
How much do you need?
Adults need to drink around 1.5–2 liters of fluid a day. A typical glass is about 200 milliliters which equates to about 8-10 drinks a day. While these 8-10 cups are considered the ‘golden rule’ of hydration, it’s important to note that everyone’s body is different! So if you feel more comfortable only drinking 7-8 cups of water a day, that is perfectly fine! Just listen to your body.
Children need slightly less and should aim for around 6-8 drinks a day, but once they reach teenage years their requirements are similar to adults. Don’t forget that fluid needs can vary depending on various factors including level of physical activity and climate, so it is best to remember to drink regularly to keep thirst at bay.
Additionally, you’ll need increased amounts if you exercise and sweat if you’re active throughout the day if you’re not eating enough water-containing foods, or if you eat a high fiber diet.
How you know you’re drinking enough
Simply waiting for the sensation of thirst is not a good enough sign of a need to drink. By the time we feel thirsty our body is already dehydrated and potentially suffering some of the effects. Equally, simply drinking to eliminate the feeling of thirst does not fully hydrate the body.
The best indicator of good hydration is urine colour, a pale straw coloured urine being a reliable indicator of good hydration. Darker coloured urine is a sure sign that the body needs more fluid. Getting into the habit of drinking regularly is a great way of keeping hydrated.
Ways to remember to drink enough water
Use a colorful water bottle
There are so many fancy water bottles from the self cleaning to the colorful, to the more simple camper-style water bottles. Whatever resonates with you and your style, match your water bottle to it to encourage you to bring it around more and leave it in your sight. You could even add stickers to your water bottle to give it a more personal touch that will make you want to bring it everywhere.
Hourly alarms
Set alarms on your phone that encourage you to drink more water. It can be as simple as naming your alarm “Hey, drink some water!”. If you work from home or even work at a desk job you can also set an alarm that tells you to get up to grab a glass of water. A gentle nudge is all you need. Try setting the alarm every hour or two, even if it’s just to drink one glass of water it will make all the difference.
Drinking out of a clear container
This can help you visualize how much water you have already consumed and how much more you have to go. Sometimes water bottles that we can’t see through may have us thinking we drank more than we actually did, and may leave some thinking they’ve drank enough. A clear, see-through water bottle can be a helpful visual.
Place a water bottle wherever you frequently are
This may seem too tedious for some, but it is actually quite simple and may help you stay hydrated. If you find it difficult to keep a water bottle with you at all times, or you find yourself forgetting your water bottle constantly, try keeping one in the car, one at the office, one in the gym bag, etc. This can ensure that you have a water bottle wherever you go no matter if you accidentally leave one behind.
Make markings on your water bottle
Mark dots or markings on your water bottle where each dot or marking represents a cup of water can be extremely useful if you are struggling with staying hydrated. Try putting 8 dots on a clear water bottle, or whatever the goal amount of servings you want to drink in that bottle may be. This can also be used with the timer suggestion, drinking your water in between the dots each time the timer goes off.
Plan the night before
Start off your day by drinking plenty of water after you wake up, by planning it the night before. Before you go to bed, fill up a large water bottle and put it by your nightstand or in the bathroom so that first thing in the morning you can hydrate.
Use a reusable straw
Creating a mindful eating and drinking experience includes the small details like what utensils you’re using, where you’re enjoying that meal or beverage, and how easy you make the process for yourself, so don’t forget the small details. Try having a reuseable straw on hand which not only helps cut back on single-use plastic but can encourage the habit of drinking water.
Use an app
There are some apps such as the water tracker app or gallon a day app that helps you measure your water intake. If you’re on your phone like most of us daily, then this could be a great one to use and push notifications. Water intake apps can help you stay accountable and track how much you’re drinking so that you know if you are staying hydrated or need to increase your water intake.
Which drinks count towards hydration
Simply put, any drink will help to promote hydration. Water from the tap is a great choice because it’s readily available and free (though not everyone has drinkable tap water readily available to them). Some drinks contain other nutrients in addition to fluid such as sugars, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Fruit juice is one such drink with vitamins, minerals and sugars too. A glass does contribute to fluid intakes and also provides one of the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables. Don’t forget that the recommended portion is 150ml though, and only one glass of fruit juice counts each day. Regularly choosing drinks with higher levels of added sugars can cause dental problems and is also associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, but there are plenty of sugar free choices available today as alternatives.
Most of the fluid we consume comes from drinks, but as it was stated early many fruit and vegetables contain over 90% water and make a valuable contribution to our overall fluid intake.
Lifestyles more susceptible to dehydration
While anyone can be susceptible to dehydration, there are certain lifestyles that are more likely to attract it. Once you recognize that you fall within one of these lifestyles, you will be one step closer to staying hydrated and healthy. However if you don’t relate with one of these lifestyles, and still find yourself struggling with dehydration, it does not mean that you still can’t take control.
Constantly moving
Those who are constantly moving throughout their daily life routine are going to be more likely to experience dehydration. When you are constantly moving throughout the day, whether with a busy work schedule or even just a busy life schedule. This lifestyle may drink water at lunch or dinner, but often not nearly as much as they should.
There are a few things that you can do to make sure you are staying hydrated during your busy day. Try bringing a water bottle with you everywhere, maybe one that can latch onto your bag or purse so that you always have it with you. You could also set alarms every hour or two to remind yourself to drink your water.
Thinks water is bland
Those who might not like the taste of water or who believe the taste of water is too bland and unfulfilling, are going to be more likely to experience dehydration. Everyone has different tastes and enjoys different things, and for some people the taste of water just doesn’t do it for them. This lifestyle may prefer drinking soda, juice, or other liquids instead of water due to the unfulfilling taste of water.
If you don’t prefer the taste of water, there are a few different things to try to make sure you are getting enough water to stay hydrated. Try finding a brand or flavor of tea that you think you might like and have at least one large glass a day. You could also try something like MiO to add flavor to your water.
Poor nutrient diet
Those who have a poor nutrient diet, or lack the essential nutrients their body needs, are going to be more likely to experience dehydration. About 20% of the hydration your body gets is from fruits or vegetables that are water dense. So those who don’t get enough nutrients may be missing that essential 20%. This lifestyle may be comprised of mainly fast or processed foods, leading to the lack of nutrients and an a decrease in hydration.
If you suspect that you might fall within a poor nutrient lifestyle, there are a few things you could try. Try adding more water dense fruits and vegetables like oranges, cucumbers, celery, watermelon, and more to your lifestyle diet. You can eat these on their own or add them to any meal you might be eating.
Good hydration is critical to health and keeps our bodies performing at their best, not only in terms of all the processes that go on but also keeping our levels of concentration up. The best advice is to keep a bottle of water close by to top up fluid levels regularly and keep thirst away.
Extra tips for hydration
Hydration is essential but it is important not to forget that you need to drink the right amount of water for your own body. The amount of water someone else is drinking might not be the amount of water you should be drinking. It’s rarely ever a one size fits all.
Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Keep the tips mentioned earlier in mind and try to consciously drink water throughout the way. Though try not to force yourself.
Remember the signs and symptoms of dehydration, and if you suspect you might be feeling them try to immediately get a glass or two of water into your body.