Rewiring Your Mind: Detoxing From Emotional Eating Addiction
is episode, Alana dives deep into the concept of emotional overeating as an addiction and the importance of detoxing these old patterns to make room for healing. She discusses how emotional eating, much like substance addiction, functions as a compulsive behavior driven by the need for relief or reward, leading to a harmful cycle of guilt and shame. Alana breaks down the stages of identifying emotional eating behaviors, recognizing the triggers, and moving through the withdrawal period, which is crucial for creating new, healthier mindsets and behaviors.
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Curious to learn more about working directly with Alana so that you can reconnect with your hunger and fullness cues, learn to eat whatever you want without rules, regulate your emotions and naturally lose weight so you can live with freedom and joy? Click here for details about the new Coaching and Accountability Mentorship Experience with Alana and try it out for $47 for 30 days (no strings attached).
And for a limited time, get the Sober Eating Method Playbook for $17 (Value: $997). The step-by-step blueprint to rewire your patterns with food, so you can eat whatever you want, without rules. Click here to get the playbook
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Be sure to follow Alana on Instagram at @bewellbyak.
Emotional overeating is similar to other addictions.
Food represents comfort, escape, and control.
Addiction behaviors include seeking a fix and loss of control.
The withdrawal process involves facing uncomfortable emotions.
Healing requires neurobiological rewiring of the nervous system.
Identity shifts occur after the withdrawal period.
00:00 Understanding Emotional Overeating as an Addiction
08:10 The Withdrawal Process: Facing Emotions
15:08 Identity Shifts: Transforming Your Relationship with Food