How Sleep and Stress Impact Your Weight and Hunger

In this episode, Alana delves into the intricate relationship between stress, sleep, and emotional eating. She explains how high cortisol levels, driven by lack of sleep and exhaustion, can hinder weight loss, despite improved eating habits. Alana also discusses the crucial role of fat cells in protecting our organs and maintaining hormonal balance, and how excess fat contributes to imbalances. By becoming aware of these biological patterns, listeners can approach emotional eating with more compassion and make intentional lifestyle changes for better well-being. Join Alana as we unpack the science behind emotional eating and empower ourselves to cultivate a healthier, more mindful relationship with food and rest.

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Curious to learn more about working directly with Alana so that you can reconnect with your hunger and fullness cues, learn to eat whatever you want without rules, regulate your emotions and naturally lose weight so you can live with freedom and joy? Click here for details about the new Coaching and Accountability Mentorship Experience with Alana and try it out for $47 for 30 days (no strings attached).

And for a limited time, get the Sober Eating Method Playbook for $17 (Value: $997). The step-by-step blueprint to rewire your patterns with food, so you can eat whatever you want, without rules. Click here to get the playbook

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Be sure to follow Alana on Instagram at @bewellbyak.


  • Emotional eating is often linked to stress and sleep deprivation.

  • Sleep deprivation affects hunger hormones, increasing cravings.

  • Cortisol, the stress hormone, can hinder weight loss efforts.

  • Awareness of biological triggers can foster self-compassion.

  • Setting energetic boundaries is crucial for better sleep.


11:05 The Impact of Cortisol on Weight Management

18:48 Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating

29:12 Creating Lasting Change Through Sleep and Stress Management


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